304 Amani St. Near Qadiria Madrassa, Zanzibar.

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Once you’ve completed a course and passed the relevant tests, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate which you can showcase on LinkedIn or your CV. Each certificate has a unique number so show your success with pride!

Zanhost Academy is run and operated by Zanhost Web  Services, a Tanzania-leading IT training and consultancy firm which has trained and equipped students with the knowledge they need to excel in their careers since 2006. Authors are certified trainers from different fields like Microsoft, Network Security, Cybersecurity, Enterprise Networking, DevOps and Cloud Computing.

Our courses feature frequent quizzes and exams to ensure that your learning is where it needs to be. Your certificate of completion shows that you have met all the required learning objectives for the course. Go ahead and proudly display that on your LinkedIn profile!

Each course has a Q&A feature so if you’re stuck during any aspect, please feel free to ask a question! The course instructor will reply to you promptly and other students will also be able to see that answer, so you’ll be helping the whole Insoft community

Zanhost Academy has unique teaching methodologies. Our courses were created with quality and integrity. Each courses underwent thorough cross checking to ensure the standard quality of all the contents

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