304 Amani St. Near Qadiria Madrassa, Zanzibar.

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

IT Training : Unleash Your Skills

Discover our vast majority of accredited and vendor independent IT training courses


We Deliver World-Class IT Training Services

Develop skills for real career growth

Cutting-edge curriculum designed in guidance with industry and academia to develop job-ready skills

Learn from experts active in their field, not out-of-touch trainers

Leading practitioners who bring current best practices and case studies to sessions that fit into your work schedule.

Learn by working on real-world problems

Capstone projects involving real world data sets with virtual labs for hands-on learning

Structured guidance ensuring learning never stops

24×7 Learning support from mentors and a community of like-minded peers to resolve any conceptual doubts


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tailored for your needs

Whether you are looking for courses that will help you build a strong foundation in IT,
explore specific skillsets, or enhance your knowledge in a particular domain,
we have a course for you.

Boost your skills to new heights with Us

Welcome to Zanhost Academy., seamlessly integrated into our platform for your learning convenience. Delve deep into a wide-range of tech topics, ranging from APIs to Vim and many more. Zanhost Academy.’s meticulously crafted Learning Paths and courses are designed to inspire and enhance your technical skills. Explore and find the perfect course to match your aspirations and fuel your passion for tech.

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